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User Online: 1

Heute: 71
Gestern: 60
Gesamt: 983198

Hits Heute: 89
Hits Gestern: 196
Hits Gesamt: 3978406
/beach [NICK] - start a new round Beach with NICK
/billard - shows information to the current match
/billard i:[NICK] - show the informationen about the game von NICK
/billard j:[NICK] - enter the game from NICK
/billard j:+spiel eröffnen - run a new round pool in your actuall channel
/billard start - a new round begins
/d - dices once a six-sides dice
/d ? - shows the top-fifty!-dices or the own actuall gamestatus
/d [NU]w[PO]+[NU]w[PO]+[..] - dices a different POINTS sides dices NUMBER times
/d [NUMBER]w[POINTS] - dices a POINTS sides dice NUMBER times
/d [PO]+[PO]+[..] - dices some different dices with POINTS sides
/d [POINTS] - dices one dice with POINTS sides
/d + - sign up for a fifty! round
/mafia - see on the play information of the current round
/mafia !elo - shows the mafia-rang in the profile in place of the elo-points (only able to use in Elo channels)
/mafia [NICK] - judge a player
/mafia [NICK]:[TEXT] - send a anonymous threat with TEXT to NICK
/mafia elo - shows the elo-points in the profile in place of the mafia-rang (only able to use in Elo channels)
/mafia info - shows you actual game or status informations (only Mafia 2.0)
/mafia join - join a Mafia 2.0 game round
/mafia start - start a new Mafia 2.0 game
/mafia tipp:[NICK]:[OPINION] - hand in your tipp about NICK with OPINION (su, du, zv, lv ...) (only Mafia 2.0)
/mafia tipp:kein tipp - don't give a tipp in a Mafia 2.0 game
/mafia vote:[NICK] - vote for NICK in a poll (only Mafia 2.0)
/mix - shows the mixed words of the current round
/ok -
/points - shows you your current points for all games

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