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/? - the same function as /h
/? [TOPIC] - click here for assistance to TOPIC, see /h [TOPIC] too
/a [TEXT] - writes TEXT in each case publicly
/admincall - opens the new emergency system.
/admincall help - open the new faq for the chat
/afk [REASON] - the same function as /away [REASON]
/away [REASON] - changes in the away-status (REASON isn’t necessarily, max. 200 indications)
/back - announce yourself back out of the away-status
/beep - Gives an acoustic signal, if someone enters the channel. One cancel it by reinput.
/bet - shows all current bets and their ratios
/bet [BET] - show your own wager for BET
/bet [BET]:[NAME]:[NUMBER] - You can place the NUMBER of knuddels on the TEAM at the BET.
/bet info - the same function as /bet
/blinddate - In that way you can search your personal flirt partner in the data base
/blinddate ! - You deletes yourself thereby from the data base and you don’t get further offers.
/blinddate edit - changes the attributes of your personal flirt partner
/bombe [NICK] - throw a bomb on NICK (special smiley is required)
/cc ?[CHANNEL] - the same function as /go ?[CHANNEL]
/cc ?[NICK] - the same function as /go ?[NICK]
/cc [CHANNEL] - the same function as/go [CHANNEL]
/cc [NICK] - the same function as /go [NICK]
/cc +?[CHANNEL] - the same function as /go +?[CHANNEL]
/cc +?[NICK] - the same function as /go +?[NICK]
/cc +[CHANNEL] - the same function as /go +[CHANNEL]
/cc +[NICK] - the same function as /go +[NICK]
/clear - deletes the complete text in the window and the /log will chart forward
/clearimagecache - the same function as /clearnickhistory
/clearnickhistory - clear the chat-cache, some problems viewing the applet can be solved
/close - closes the actual windows, other channels and parent-windows keeps open
/code - opens a window in which you can cash, present or view your presents
/code -effects - unactivate all animation-effects in the nicklist
/code -flames - turns off the fire in the nicklist (special smiley is required)
/code -light - turns off the glow in the nicklist (special smiley is required)
/code ? - shows you all codes you can use
/code [CODE] - You received a present by entering CODE. You get codes in the Knuddels-Shop.
/code +effects - activate all animation-effects in the nicklist
/code +flames - your nickname burns in the nicklist (special smiley is required)
/code +light - your nickname glow in the nicklist (special smiley is required)
/code old - shows the last presents recieved with the text and the sender
/deny - You can decline a heart within two minutes.
/dice - dices once a six-sides dice
/dice ? - shows the top-fifty!-dices or the own actuall gamestatus
/dice [NU]w[PO]+[NU]w[PO]+[..] - dices a different POINTS sides dices NUMBER times
/dice [NUMBER]w[POINTS] - dices a POINTS sides dice NUMBER times
/dice [PO]+[PO]+[..] - dices some different dices with POINTS sides
/dice [POINTS] - dices one dice with POINTS sides
/dice + - sign up for a fifty! round
/e - the same function as /edit
/edit - edit your own profil
/editor - a Knuddels-own editor to prepare an new slogan, channelinfo, roses or s.th. else
/exit - closes the active chat-window and all child-windows
/f - shows the friendlist
/f -[NICK] - the same function as /f ![NICK]
/f ![NICK] - deletes NICK from the friendlist
/f [NICK] - takes NICK on the friendlist
/f +[NICK] - the same function as /f [NICK]
/flushimagecache - reloed of some large pictures and files, solves some problems in viewing the applet
/forum - opens the Knuddelsforum, everybody should have a look
/foto [NICK] - uploads a new photo
/gb [NICK] - opens the guestbook from Nick
/gc - shows the memory space of the chatserver which is in use in Kilobit - for chatters uninteresting
/go ?[CHANNEL] - change into CHANNEL; switch to a daughterchannel if the mainchannel is full
/go ?[NICK] - change into the channel in which NICK is; switch to a daughterchannel if the mainchannel is full
/go [CHANNEL] - changes into the room CHANNEL
/go [NICK] - changes into the room in that NICK reside
/go +?[CHANNEL] - opens CHANNEL in a new window; opens a daughterchannel if the mainchannel is full
/go +?[NICK] - opens the channel in which NICK is in a new window; opens a daughterchannel if the mainchannel is full
/go +[CHANNEL] - opens a new window for the room CHANNEL
/go +[NICK] - opens a new channel NAME in a new window
/h - general assistance
/h [TOPIC] - help to some TOPICs
/heart +[NICK]:[TEXT] - sends a romantic heartmessage as an big backgroundimage (special smiley is required)
/help - the same function as /h
/help [TOPIC] - click here for assistance to TOPIC, see /h [TOPIC] too
/hp [NICK] - opens the homepage from NICK
/hp knuddels-help - opens this site directly from the chat
/ig - shows an assertion about the last twelve chatter, those are ignored by you
/ig ![NICK] - takes NICK from the ignore list
/ig ![NICK1,NICK2,..] - cancels more than one NICK from the ignore list
/ig [NICK] - ignores NICK
/ig [NICK1,NICK2,..] - ignores more than one NICK
/importantonly - the same function as /io
/info - channels own rules and information of the channelroom
/info [CHANNEL] - channels own rules and information of the channelroom CHANNEL
/io - only private messages and messages, those include your own nickname are announced
/kiss [NICK] - gives NICK a kiss
/kizz [NICK] - gives NICK a tongue kiss (must ne affirmed by /kiss)
/knuddel [NICK] - cuddles NICK correctly
/konsole - serves the fault-tracing - for chatters uninteresting
/konto -[ZAHL] - number ZAHL of knuddels get from your invisible swiss bankaccount (special smiley is required)
/konto +[ZAHL] - number ZAHL of knuddels put on an invisible swiss bankaccount and get interest (special smiley is required)
/light [NICK] - start the lightning in your channel (special smiley is required)
/log - shows the written texts up to a channel change
/log all - shows all written texts, starting from logging in the chat
/log private - shows all private written text since channel change
/log screen - shows the current text in a extra window to copy
/lotto - overview of the winners of the last five months
/lotto [NUMBER] - Hereby you bet two Knuddels on NUMBER. The disbursement is Sundays.
/m - shows all messages from the p.o box
/m - - Open an empty messagewindow
/m ?[NICK] - shows all unread messages from NICK
/m [NICK] - writes a messages to NICK in a extra window
/m [NICK]:[TEXT] - sends a messages with TEXT to NICK
/m first - shows the two oldest messages
/m first [NUMBER] - shows the NUMBER oldest messages
/m get - the same function as /m
/m last - shows the last two received messages
/m last [NUMBER] - shows the NUMBER newest messages
/m old - shows the last twenty read messages
/m sent - shows the last five sent messages
/m sig - edits the signatur, which is attached automatically on each messages
/marknick [NICK] - marks NICK, as if you are susurrated by. You can mark max. two Nicks.
/me [TEXT] - does an activity
/msg [NICK]:[TEXT] - teh same function as /p [NICK]:[TEXT]
/msg [NICK1,NICK2,..]:[TEXT] - the same function as /p [NICK1,NICK2,..]:[TEXT]
/news - calls up the latest news
/news all - shows all past news starting with the first
/ok - accepts an invitation into a private channel or a blinddate
/p [NICK]:[TEXT] - whisper TEXT to NICK
/p [NICK1,NICK2,..]:[TEXT] - whisper several chatters (max. five)
/pbeep - gives an acoustic signal, if one is written down privately. One cancel it by reinput.
/ping - velocimetry from your net
/ping [NICK] - checks, if NICK isn’t on or if NICK doesn’t want to answer
/po - It is announced only private messages
/postmsg [TEXT] - Same function as /a [TEXT]
/pp -[NICK] - Remove NICK of an conversation in an extra /pp-window
/pp -[NICK1],[NICK2]..[NICKn] - Remove NICK1 to NICKn of an conversation in an extra /pp-window
/pp [NICK] - opens a small window, in which you can talk undisturbed with NICK
/pp +[NICK] - Add NICK to an conversation in an extra /pp Window
/pp +[NICK1],[NICK2]..[NICKn] - Adds NICK1 to NICKn to an conversation in an extra /pp-window
/pp public - opens a small window, in which you can every public message will arrive
/privateonly - the same function as /po
/pvbeep - opens a window if you are spoken by someone. One cancel it by reinput.
/readme ! - deletes the /readme out of the profile
/readme [TEXT] - TEXT stands up to the next login in your profile.
/resizeto [WIDTH]x[HEIGHT] - makes the current window smaller/lager on the the pixel size WIDTHxHEIGHT (Ex.: 800x600)
/rose ? - check how many roses you can actuall send.
/rose old - shows the last six roses with text and sender
/s [SEARCH] - makes a fast and comfortably search after SEARCH by Google.de possible
/scrollspeed - shows the current scroll speed
/scrollspeed [NUMBER] - puts the scrollspeed to NUMBER (0 = no scroll, 20 = very slow scroll)
/sms - sends a sms over Internext® GmbH (liable to pay costs)
/statistik - shows survey data of current monthly
/statistik vote - shows intermediate conditions with a current choice
/time - James whispers to you the weekday, the date and the time.
/top - shows a overview of all available toplists
/top [LIST] - shows the top-15 LIST in a new window
/top [LIST]:[NUMBER] - shows the top-NUMBER LIST in a new window (max. 100)
/tut - shows the current lesson
/tut - - switches the tutorial off
/tut [NUMBER] - shows the lesson with NUMBER
/tut + - cancel /tut
/tut ++ - jumps over a lesson
/unig [NICK] - the same function as/ig ![NICK]
/unig [NICK1,NICK2,..] - the same function as /ig ![NICK1,NICK2,..]
/vbeep - Opens a window, if someone enters the channel. One cancel it by reinput.
/verify - opens a window to verifies the age (age no longer alterable)
/verify email - ever nick can only log in for 300 minuten without an verified emailadress, after this time the user must verify with this function
/version - shows the current version of the Knuddelsapplet
/vote [VOTE] - opens a choice window to take part on VOTE
/vote adminwahl:[NICK] - checks, if NICK chose by the admin-voting
/w - opens your own profile
/w [NICK] - opens the profile from NICK
/wc - a overview about all channels and the number of the chatters, those are online
/wc [CHANNEL] - shows the topic of CHANNEL and all nicks, those arrest in CHANNEL
/whois - the same function as /w
/whois [NICK] - the same function as /w [NICK]
/youthtest - opens the youthtest for under age member

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