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User Online: 1

Heute: 26
Gestern: 65
Gesamt: 968923

Hits Heute: 165
Hits Gestern: 1292
Hits Gesamt: 3919208
/bla - does rubbish
/blumen [NICK] - prensents NICK flowers
/boring - bore yourself
/bye - say goodbye to each person
/complain [NICK] - criticizes the behaviour of NICK
/cu [NICK] - says goodbye to NICK
/dance [NICK] - dance a cha cha cha with NICK
/fick [NICK] - Try it!
/freu [NICK] - to be happy about someone’s appearance
/gratulier [NICK] - congratulates NICK
/grrr [NICK] - faces badly NICK
/hi - wellcomes all newcomers
/kitzel [NICK] - tickles NICK
/knuddels [NICK] - Harm set, harm get.
/knuff [NICK] - strokes for NICK
/kotz [NICK] - to barf on NICK (special smiley is required)
/krachbummpeng [NICK] - the same function as /passion [NICK]
/kuschel [NICK] - snuggle with NICK
/love [NICK] - says NICK how one has one dear or glady
/müde -
/massage [NICK] - misses NICK a tender massage
/nacht [NICK] - wishs NICK a good night
/ohrfeige [NICK] - loses a slap in NICK’s face
/passion [NICK] - tenders erotically NICK (only in invisible channels and channels starting from 16 years)
/present [NICK] - presents NICK something
/refly - So you can announce yourself back, if you flew from the chat.
/romantic [NICK] - tells from the love and longing to NICK
/schmoll [NICK] - feel misunderstood by NICK
/schneeball [NICK] - throws a snowball to NICK
/schoko [NICK] - gives chocolate to NICK (special smiley is required)
/sommer [NICK] - does summer activities
/sorry [NICK] - excuse to NICK
/splash [NICK] - throws something to NICK
/torte [NICK] - throws a cake to NICK
/traurig - to be sad
/trick [NICK] - plays a trick on NICK
/tritt [NICK] - kick NICK in his ass
/tröst [NICK] - donates NICK comfort

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